Check out the new Brown Puffle! And guess what, It's free!

 (Members Only)


Party Stamps

Hello Penguins! 

Your Coins For Change donations are quickly filling up the Lighthouse - nice work, everyone! 

Some of you have been asking which Stamps you can earn at the party. Generous penguins who give to Coins For Change can earn the Volunteer Stamp and the Top Volunteer Stamp. Which Stamp you get depends on how much you donate.  

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Remember, if you don't get a chance to get the Stamps this time - they will return at a later party. Every party has two Stamps you can earn. 
In other news, have you noticed you can earn an Activity Stamp on the Ice Rink?  Check your Stamp Book for more details. 

What other kinds of Stamps would you like to see? Let us know in the comments! 

Until then... Waddle on! 

-Club Penguin Team

Hello Penguins! 

We received so many great responses last week! We asked what you're doing to celebrate the holidays at home, and many of you told us about your traditions. With so many penguins around the world, we got lots of different answers. Here are just a few that you shared:
 Andy2407 said: At my own home, in Christmas, My whole family has a Christmas dinner. And we invite all of our friends and relatives. We are from Australia so we have an aussie BBQ, salad, ice cream and other stuff that is Summer food. Christmas is my favourite time of the year! 
Jkgirl324 said: Since my mom is cathalic and my dad is jewish, I celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas. For Hanukkah, we light the monorah candles, get presents, and eat matzaballs for dinner. For Christmas, we open up the presents from Santa and my parents in the morning. When thats over, we all eat breakfast and watch the Christmas parade at Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Then we go to my grandma and grandpa's house where we see our whole family, and get more presents!!!!! Later at night, we all have a big feast (all homemade by grandma, the best cook ever) and get to catch up with each other. I love the holidays. I'M SO LUCKY!!!!!!!!!!! WADDLE ON CP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Lilypop said: I have a party with all of my closest family for the holidays. Other than that, I donate to the poor, just like on CP! In my school, we have baskets to put money and presents in. They soon give them to a local homeless shelter to spread some Christmas cheer! Waddle on CP and Happy holidays! 

Ice Rink is Open!

Hello Penguins! 
The Ice Rink is back up! (If you've not been before, then go to Snow Forts, and head to the Penguin Stadium). We've seen lots of you skating around already - check it out: 

We're working on a new Snow and Sports catalog for January - so check back for updates in the New Year. What items would you like to see added to future catalogs?  Let us know in the comments! 

Until then... Waddle on! 
-Sponge B0b2

Holiday Party Sneak Peek!

Hello Penguins! 

There's only a few days left until the Holiday Party! We've got some new surprises planned for this year. Take a look: 
Some of your favorite rooms and activities will be returning too. 

What do you think? Let us know in the comments! 

Until then... Waddle on! 

-Club Penguin Team

Thanks for Voting!

Hello Penguins! 

This week we've been talking about giving... And on the subject of great gifts, we wanted to say a big thank you for a gift you gave us! 
You awarded Club Penguin the Kid's Vote for best website in the BAFTA awards. For those of you who don't know, BAFTA stands for - British Academy of Film and Television Awards - it's a really big deal in the UK! 

So a HUGE thanks to all of you who voted. It means a lot to us! 

Until then... Waddle On! 

- Club Penguin Team

Rockhoppers Coming!


Hello Penguins! 

Have you looked through the telescope lately? Check this out: 
Rockhopper is on his way! He should arrive just in time for Coins For Change on December 16.

If you check the Beach, Rockhopper sent us some tubes. What do you think they're for? Let us know in the comments! 

In other news, it's time to start decorating your igloo. The Deck the Halls Igloo Contest is open! Good luck, everyone. 

Until then... Waddle on! 




This is my favorite time of the year! We just released the new holiday stuff in the Gift Shop and lots of you are already wearing the new outfits. You guys are fast! 

We've got lots more festive stuff coming up for you this month. Check this out:


Here's a handy list of what's going on in December:

Dec. 9: New holiday igloo stuff is out - including some items you've been asking for.

Dec. 9-12: The Igloo Contest is open. Time to get decorating!

Dec. 16: The Holiday Party and Coins For Change start!

Now that you know what's going on this month - what are you most excited for? Let us know in the comments!


Catalog Bug Fixing

Hello Penguins!

Quick update: we've come across some nasty bugs with the newspaper and the new clothing catalog. The team is working hard to squash them, but thanks to these pesky bugs we probably won't be able to launch the new stuff until tomorrow. Sorry for the inconvenience!

In the meantime, here's a sneak peek of what to look forward to in the catalog. What do you think?

clothingcatalogdec10.jpgWe'll launch the catalog as soon as we can and update you right away once it's available. Thanks for being so patient with us.

In other news... Coins For Change is coming later this month!! Make sure to start saving up your coins now to help others around the world! Stay tuned for more info soon.

Card-Jitsu Stamps Released!

Hello Penguins!

Lots of you have been telling us about the Stamps you're earning in Card-Jitsu Water. I got my Watery Fall Stamp right away, but the Gong! Stamp was a bit harder. I lost this round:

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In other news - the team also added Stamps for the original Card-Jitsu and Card-Jitsu Fire!

Once you've mastered Water, head over to the Dojo and the Fire Dojo to earn the Stamps in the other Ninja games.

What do you think of the new stuff for ninjas? Let us know in the comments!

Until then... waddle on!



You Decided - A Card-Jitsu Power Card!

Hello Penguins!

Some time ago we asked you to vote on a new Power Card for Card-Jitsu. The Island Lifter 3000 won by a landslide. Here's a sneak peek of the card in action:


The card you picked will be out soon in the new Card-Jitsu Water trading card set. If you have the set already, you'll be able to redeem the codes on November 25.

What other Power Cards would you like to see in Card-Jitsu? Let us know in the comments!

Until then... Waddle on!


Topic: News

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